The Unified Field

What's he doing in there?

The Tate brothers are free, the people of Ontario have seen fit to give Doug Ford another mandate, and the British have officially said they don't really give a shit if the United States annexes Canada by whatever means. Why do we have these inbred goblins on our money if they're not going to at least feign concern in a moment like this?

I am deleting my Audible account and have signed up for Audible is owned by an American billionaire and I am trying to give them the least amount of money that I can. I don't think I'll get to zero and I have talked before about my fraught feelings about Spotify, but I can easily enough stop sending Jeffery Bezos $15 a month. Instead I'll send $20 a month to for basically the same service and they'll give some of that my local indie(-ish) bookstore. Plus, they'll let you download the books you buy in a simple to use, DRM-free format, which avoids having to use third party software you found on Reddit in order to download the library of audio books you've been accumulating for many years and play them in an app that is not controlled by an American billionaire.

I will tell you the Audible migration is something I've been thinking about for a while and the thing that finally did it was that Catching The Big Fish by David Lynch is missing from Audible's catalogue but is available on That was enough.

I read that book in dead tree form some years ago but it didn't do anything for me other than to confirm David Lynch was probably in a cult. I remember asking online at the time, "Hey, is TM a cult?" and many responded saying, "I used to be in Scientology and yes, TM is definitely a cult." It costs $1500 last time I checked for the TM people to teach you to meditate, but I think I already know how? So really it costs $1500 to meet with a yogi who will assign you a personalized sanskrit mantra.

But maybe there is something to it, still. Maybe if you sit down and shut up for long enough or frequently enough it is possible to access something that is greater than any of us, or is the sum of all of us. The collective unconscious or the divine or the unified field. Whatever you want to name it. Much to consider.

So I have begun the audio version of Catching The Big Fish and you'll never believe it, but before he even says, "Penguin Audio presents..." it begins with an ominous whoosh. I look forward to having David Lynch hector me about meditation and creativity for an hour and forty seven minutes over the next few days.

What I'm Reading

What I'm Listening To

What I'm Watching

Thanks for reading. I love you.